3 Big Lessons We Learned About Custom Software Development Over the Last in 20+ Years

The start of a new year is a time when companies begin developing new initiatives. For businesses looking to streamline processes, boost productivity or gain a competitive edge, this often means considering an investment in custom software (see #1 in the P.S. below).

So we’re sharing with you a few key lessons we’ve learned during the last 20+ years in business that you should know before starting your next development project.

1. Is your system adaptable?

Initially, few options were available to create software that easily connected to the internet, or to other users or programs. Today’s development strategies require ubiquitous connections, technical agility, and a platform-friendly approach. We like systems and tools that play well with others and grow with your company’s needs.

Things to watch: Some developers spend lots of time on adaptability issues, capacity, or the latest shiny object. This approach wastes time and money, and often doesn’t address a company’s needs. Your developer should know your goals and build your project to meet these objectives.

2. Require regular meetings.

There is no such thing as too much communication with our clients. Developers, like anyone else, can get lost in what they’re doing and fail at communicating project statuses, issues, and successes.

Things to watch: A developer who collects a check and contract without establishing regular communication is a problem. You should have a primary point of contact or project manager. If the developer doesn’t provide you with regular updates, demand them.

3. Insist upon a team approach.

Individuals, a team, or a combination of both should work on your project. While an individual can take a project far with knowledge and experience, you can run into support issues if that person quits or closes their business. A team approach secures your investment. It also gives your project more visibility, as well as more opportunities for review and continuous improvement.

Things to watch: Be wary of the person who can do things no one else can. While this person could be brilliant, h/she is also the only one “smart” enough to fix the problems that are bound to come up. Furthermore, there is usually a reason no one is doing what this person offers. Proceed with caution!

WebtrixPro’s experience and professional skill sets give your project an edge. Rest assured, we’ve seen it all, and make sure you never fall victim to the costly lessons we’ve learned the last two decades in business.